Bukti Paling Jelas Dan Nyata Mcdonalds Sumbang Dana Kepada Israel Boikotlah mereka hingga LINGKUP

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Bukti Paling Jelas Dan Nyata Mcdonalds Sumbang Dana Kepada Israel Boikotlah mereka hingga LINGKUP

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Mc Donald Malaysia tak menyumbang pada Israel? Benarkah?
Ada persoalan yng ditanyakan tentang kenyataan dari Mc Donald Malaysia.

Ini ulasan dari Pengerusi Aqsa Syarif Berkaitan kenyataan McD Malaysia. McD Malaysia membayar franchisee fees kpd McD Corp USA. Ada puluhan ribu restoran McD di seluruh dunia. Walaupun setiap dari Restoran McD ini menyumbang sebanyak 5% dari revenue mereka ini sudah berjumlah ratusan juta USD (bahkan mungkin billion dollar).

Oleh kerana McD konsisten menyumbang kepada ekonomi Israel sejak 30 tahun yang lalu, maka kita harus menyampaikan message yang tegas di seluruh dunia kepada semua negara di mana McD membuka cawangan.

Jika setiap negara di mana McD beroperasi membuat disclaimer bahawa mereka tidak menyumbang kepada israel bahkan mereka adalah syarikat berdaftar di negara masing-masing, maka boycott akan gagal dan McD Corporation US boleh meneruskan sokongan tidak berbelah bagi kepada Israel.

Tetapi jika setiap warga dunia mula memboikot operasi McD di negera masing-masing maka ini akan menyampaikan message yang jelas supaya McD Corp US menghentikan sokongannya kpd Israel.

Bayangkan jika kutipan dari yuran franchisee sahaaj jumlahnya ratusan juta dollar sehari, berapa banyak jentera perang yang boleh dibeli oleh Israel dgn sumbangan McD bagi membunuh rakyat Palestin.

Kerana itu boycott adalah satu peperangan.

Seruan boycott akan di counter oleh pihak musuh dgn mengatakan kami cawangan tempatan dan kami hanya membayar cukai kpd kerajaan kita. Lagipun kami menyumbang kepada ekonomi negara dan menyediakan peluang pekerjaan kepada rakyat tempatan.

Jika semua negara membuat pengistiharan spt ini dan semua warga dunia terpedaya dgn seruan manis; ini boycott akan gagal total. tetapi apabila McD senberang laut menerima tempiasan dari polisi McD Corp yang membiayai israel, maka akhirnya McD Corp terpaksa berfikir lagi sebelum meneruskan sokongannya kepada zionis kerana keuntungan seberang lautnya mula menyusut.

Ingat boycott adalah peperangan dan musuh akan menggunakan hujjah yang masuk akal untuk menggagalkan strategi boikot. sumber facebook

Bukti Mcdonalds Sumbang Kepada Israel.

p/s Jersi Manchester United pun kena boikot jugak la,haha. penaja dia AON..


McDonalds is the largest and best-known global food service retailer with more than 30,000 restaurants in 121 countries.

McDonalds chairman and CEO Jack M. Greenberg is an honorary director of the American-Israel Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc., of Metropolitan Chicago.[9]According to the Chicago Jewish Community Online (website of the Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago), McDonalds Corporation whose global headquarters is based just outside Chicago is a major corporate partner of the Jewish United Fund and Jewish Federation.

Through its Israel Commission, the Jewish United Fund works to maintain American military, economic and diplomatic support for Israel; monitors and, when necessary, responds to media coverage of Israel.

The Jewish United Fund runs Fun-filled Summer Family Missions to Israel (the next one is on Aug 19 2002) where families get to visit an army base and meet with Israeli soldiers and visit our sister city, Kiryat Gat and see the important work we are doing there. Kiryat Gat, you may be aware from the Boycott Intel Campaign, is built on stolen Palestinian land the lands of the villages of Iraq Al Manshiya and Al-Faluja whose residents were ethnically cleansed in 1949 in contravention of International Law. Through its Partnership to Israel programme, the Jewish United Fund provides $1.3 million annually to help the development of Kiryat Gat and to promote further illegal settlement there.

In the Jewish United Funds outreach program they pay for Christian leaders and American high school kids to visit Israel and be fed zionist lies.

McDonalds entered the Israeli market in 1993 and now has 80 resturants across Israel, providing employment to some 3000 Israelis.


The Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago maintain strong ties to Israel in a variety of ways.

The Partnership 2000 Program forges business, professional, and personal links; Israel Experience Programs for teens and young adults provide education and enrichment opportunities; and JUF Missions offer families, singles, and others a wide variety of travel options; the Israel Commission of the Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish United Fund enables the organized Jewish community to maintain its interest in Israel-related issues.



The Israel Commission serves as a forum for the organized Jewish community to promote understanding of Israel and Middle East developments, most recently including those connected with the peace process; works to maintain American military, economic and diplomatic support for Israel; monitors and, when necessary, responds to media coverage of Israel; plays a leadership role in organizing and planning the annual community-wide Yom HaAtzmaut celebration; and helps promote Israeli cultural events in the metropolitan area.

McDonalds Benefits the Israeli Economy

McDonalds Israel proudly sources over 80% of its ingredients locally, including 100% kosher beef patties, potatoes, lettuce, buns, and milkshake mix. McDonalds Israel employs 3000 Israelis.

It should be noted, in its favour, that when in 1999 an international campaign forced Burger King to withdraw its name from a restaurant that had been built in the illegal Israeli settlement of Maale Adumim, the general manager of McDonalds Israel, Omri Padan, said that he will never open a branch on the occupied territories.

SUMBER: OldTraffodTM & inMINDS

Sumber: tambahcheeze

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